How to Join All Parts / Download ?





1. click download after you click link in website

2. wait until website generate link

3. click download

4. Rename file become real name, you can see real name of file above button donload

5. collect become 1 folder 
ex :
6. extract with win rar or etc
7. Done 


How to join a file
With HJSplit you can not only split files, but also join the split parts back together again.
Information: a collection of split parts is set of files having all the same filename, exept for the extension at the end of the file name (.001, .002, .003, etc.) . Combining/joining these split parts is equivalent to restoring the original (pre-split) file.
After clicking on the 'Join' button in the main HJSplit screen, you will see the following screen:
To join a set of files, just perform the steps indicated below.
(1) Make sure the set of split parts (set of files ending in .001, .002, .003, etc.) to be joined all reside inside the same directory.
(2) click on the button 'Input file', in the screen directly above, which will open the dialog shown directly below:
(3) In this dialog, select the file you want to join. Then press the 'Open' button.
Information: please note that only the first file in the set of split parts (the .001 file) is visible in this dialog. Note that it is important that all split parts are in the same folder. When the other files which belong to the set of split parts (.002, .003, .004, etc.) are in the same folder, HJSplit will automatically find them during joining.
After pressing 'Open', the name and path of the file you just selected will appear in the 'input file' box, please see below:
(4) Press the 'start' button in the screen above. HJSplit now shows a progressbar with the title 'working'.
(5) Finally,you will see the message that joining is completed (see below).
That the joined file can now be found in the same folder as the split part (the .001 file you selected in step 2).


  1. admin, kenapa file nya corrupt semua? jadi gk bisa diekstrak...

    1. oh gitu ya, ini masih aku mau ganti menjadi 001, katanya sih lebih tahan nggak korup filenya dari pada part... coba pastikan filenya sizenya sama semua 99 mb, kecuali part yang terakhir, ini mungkin servernya yang bermasalah,

    2. Sudah aku jadiin satu folder, tapi file rar-nya 'Is It About Me' nggak mau di ekstrak. dan ternyata hjsplit nggak bisa gabungin file .rar

      Nggak ada single link-nya ta min?

  2. admin, yang triple crossed aku udah download semua 8 part, mau aku join gabisa, gag tau kenapa ekstensinya sama semua, urut .002 .003 .004 dst, tapi yang pertama formatnya malah avi jadi 09nyigyvy6765.001.avi dan sampe sekarang gag bisa dijoin :(

    1. pertama rename semua namanya, namanya harus ama misal bayaw.avi.001, bayaw.avi.002, bayaw.avi.003, dst
      nah bru kamu join, semoga berhasil, harusnya bisa kok nanti hasil akhirnya pasti jadi satu file namanya bayaw.avi

    2. Klik File yg format avi, lalu untuk windows 7 pili organize --> folder and search option lalu pilih view ---> hapus centang hide extensions for known file types. ok!

      nanti yang file awal bisa d rubah formatnya.
      misalnya yg awalnya namanya aaa.001.avi rubah jadi aaa.001, maka formatnya akan berubah jadi format file dan akan terbaca oleh hj split. tgl samakan nama dengan part yang lain.

      Semoga membantu, ^^

  3. kalau mau download, langsung masuk ke terus waktu di "skip adf"nya ga mau. gimana ya?

    1. nggak mau nya gimana? link yang mana itu?

    2. semua link nya, ga ada yg mau klau lewat, ga bisa di ganti ke sja?

  4. bisa di donlod dari hp nokia n78 ga? Kalo bisa, caranya gimana? Thanks

  5. min gk bisa download apa2, pas di skip this ad malah error n ditulis refresh stlh di refresh sama aj :/ dibantu min

  6. This comment has been removed by a blog administrator.

  7. mas, tolong nanya gimana cara download semua film2 yg ada ? soalnya IDMnya nggak mau otomatis download dan nggak ketemu URLnya, terima kasih banyak sebelumnya

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    Kalo bisa gmna cara nya ?


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